Personal Challenge

Minesweeper Clone

Wrote an old classic puzzle game using Javascript.

Abdush Shakoor September 6th, 2019

Before you read this article, play with the above game. The rule is simple, reveal one cell at a time by clicking on them, If the cell you've clicked on is clear, you'll see the number of mines that's adjacent to it. Else, if it's a mine, then all mines will explode and you lose the game. Reload the game by clicking the Reset button.

The source code of the game can be found over here.


It's a classical puzzle game that gained immense popularity when it came along with Windows 3.1 OS. To be honest, I never really had any experience playing this game until a few days ago, I had a sudden curiosity as to how it works. I studied it's game mechanics on Wikipedia and it turned to be simple enough to write a clone in Javascript.

Game mechanics

What makes it interesting to play is it's simplicity in which all that matters is that you shouldn't click the cell that goes "KABOOM!".

Here are some of the game mechanics:

Generate cells

Generating the grid is pretty much straightforward. Each cell will have an attribute named data-mine with a boolean value of true or false.

    //Generate minesweeper grid
    const generateGrid = () => {
        allowClick = true;
        grid.innerHTML = "";
        for(let i=0; i<size; i++) {
            let row = grid.insertRow(i);
            for(let j=0; j<size; j++) {
                let cell = row.insertCell(j);
                cell.onclick = function(){clickCell(this);}
                let mine = document.createAttribute("data-mine");
                mine.value = "false";

Placing the mines

After the grid is generated, a mine will be added to each random cell.

    //Set mines
    const setMines = () => {
        for(let i=0; i<size*2; i++) {
            let r = Math.floor(Math.random() * size);
            let c = Math.floor(Math.random() * size);
            let cell = grid.rows[r].cells[c];
            cell.setAttribute("data-mine", "true");
            if(testMode){cell.innerHTML = "💣";}

Reveal the mines

If you've clicked on a mine, every cell that has a mine will be exposed and then it's game over.

    //Reveal mines
    const revealMines = () => {
        for(let i=0; i<size; i++) {
            for(let j=0; j<size; j++) {
                let cell = grid.rows[i].cells[j];
                if(cell.getAttribute("data-mine") === "true") {
                    cell.className = "mine";
                    cell.innerHTML = "💣";

Scan for mines

When you click on a tile, there are 2 possibilities i.e. either the cell is a mine or not.

If it's a mine, we know what happens, it's self explanatory. If it's not a mine, what happens then? Well, it'll start scanning for mines that are adjacent to it in all eight directions:

  • Top (row - 1, col)
  • Bottom (row + 1, col)
  • Left (row, col - 1)
  • Right (row, col + 1)
  • Top Left (row - 1, col - 1)
  • Top Right (row - 1, col + 1)
  • Bottom Left (row + 1, col - 1)
  • Bottom Right (row + 1, col + 1)

If there aren't any mines adjacent to it, it'll reveal all adjacent cells via recursion.

    //Click a cell
    const clickCell = (cell) => {
        if(allowClick != false) {
            //If it's a mine, game over
            if(cell.getAttribute("data-mine") === "true") {
                alert("game over");
                allowClick = false;
            //If it's not a mine, reveal the mines
            else {
                //Mark it as "clicked"
                cell.className = "clicked";

    //Scan for mines that are adjacent to the cell
    const scanForMines = (cell) => {
        let rowPos = cell.parentNode.rowIndex;
        let colPos = cell.cellIndex;
        let mineCount = 0;

        for(let i=Math.max(rowPos-1, 0); i<Math.min(rowPos+1, size-1); i++) {
            for(let j=Math.max(colPos-1, 0); j<Math.min(colPos+1, size-1); j++) {
                let adjacentCell = grid.rows[i].cells[j];
                if(adjacentCell.getAttribute("data-mine") == "true") {

        cell.innerHTML = mineCount > 0 ? mineCount : " ";

        //If zero mines, then reveal all adjacent cells
        if(mineCount == 0) {
            for(let i=Math.max(rowPos-1, 0); i<Math.min(rowPos+1, size-1); i++) {
                for(let j=Math.max(colPos-1, 0); j<Math.min(colPos+1, size-1); j++) {
                    let adjacentCell = grid.rows[i].cells[j];
                    if(adjacentCell.innerHTML == "") {

Level completion

If the player completed the game without clicking on any mine, the level is complete.

    //Check game status
    const checkGameStatus = () => {
        let levelComplete = true;
        for(let i=0; i<size; i++) {
            for (let j=0; j<size; j++) {
                var cell = grid.rows[i].cells[j];
                if((cell.getAttribute("data-mine") == "false") && (cell.innerHTML == "")) {
                    levelComplete = false;

        if(levelComplete) {
            alert("Congratulations, you won!");


Well, that's about it. I had fun writing this game. Do you want me to build more games like this? Send me an email about it and I'll see what I can do from my end.

Have fun playing the game and oh, don't blow yourself up! 😜

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